Why Women Won’t Miss 2020

A break-up poem by Sophie Main.

2020 has been a difficult year for everyone, but the data is clear: women are bearing the brunt of the economic and social impact of COVID-19. For example, McKinsey reports tell us that women make up 39 percent of global employment but account for 54 percent of overall job losses.

So just before we wave goodbye to the year, our Brand and Content Manager, Sophie Main, has written a poem revealing one woman’s perspective of why we won’t miss 2020.

Why Women Won’t Miss 2020

Sit down 2020, it’s time we had a talk,

Or better yet let’s head out on a ‘socially distanced’ walk.

Because I’ve been chained to the kitchen table pretty much all year,

Cooking, cleaning, homeschooling the kids, and clinging onto my career.

Think I’m being too negative? Well, this woman’s on overload,

And how about you try to ‘keep your head up’ when you’re carrying the domestic load.

Yes, we’re all in the same storm, just in different boats

But with all these unfair extra burdens I’m barely staying afloat.

New reports this year made it clear: businesses thrive with women at the top,

So can someone else please hold the baby and plan a food shop?

We’re asked to mother like we don’t work, and work like we don’t mother,

And this year the career barriers got bigger, especially for those treated as ‘other’.

Sure, it’s been over 50 years of equal pay for equal work,

But that rule doesn’t really help when women’s jobs are cut first.

Thanks for bringing archaic stereotypes back with a vengeance.

After all, why would a woman ever need financial independence?

Look, we’re moving on, 2020, because we don’t have time to wait,

The gender pay gap is only going to widen if we carry on at this rate.

Don’t look like that, it’s not all bad, we’ve still been smashing ceilings,

We got Kamala into the White House and even more women running New Zealand.

Your pandemic forced more employers to trust and try new things,

Who would’ve thought we didn’t need to commute just for morning meetings?

If we get flexible working right, we won’t be bound by schedules and location,

And maybe we could finally normalise childcare for men across the nation — and that’s when gender equality can really begin.

Yes, you taught us some valuable lessons, but now you’re getting in the way,

So it’s time to say ‘goodbye 2020’ and we’d like a refund for that extra day.

You’re not our first battle and you won’t be our last,

Nothing will stop us building a future where ‘the first female’ is a thing of the past,

Where everyone around the world — ‘she’, ‘he’, ‘them’, ‘their’ or ‘they’ —

All have a seat at the table and an equal say.

So long 2020, you’ll be remembered but definitely not missed

Because you tried to hold us back and, frankly, we’re still pissed.

Sophie Main, Brand Manager at WORK180

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